Episode 11: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

The ability to change our mind is our God-given right. But happens when you change your mind, or more specifically, your mindset? The results can be miraculous, and this miracle of nature is in each and every one of us.
It is called neuroplasticity, which simply means that our brain, body, and nervous system can change during the course of our entire lifetime. We are capable of interrupting habits and patterns which may not be serving us well, and causing pain or dysfunction. We can actually change the way we move, think, feel, and sense. Which sounds like a no-brainer (pun intended).
However, as recently as twenty-five years ago, conventional wisdom was that this neuroplasticity disappeared around the age of fourteen. Which is really crazy when you think about it. Because there are many modalities that have been around for decades and even centuries that have accessed this neuroplasticity to help millions of people improve their physical, mental, and emotional level of function. A few examples are Feldenkrais, Pilates, yoga, martial arts, acupuncture, massage, and meditation. The list goes on and on.
Download this episode to discover how you can tap into this brain power simply by changing your mind, and how to apply it to every single aspect of your life including health, fitness, finances, relationships, business, and more. With the right mindset, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!
business, dysfunction, emotional function, Feldenkrais, fitness, habits, health, human dignity, martial arts, meditation, mental function, mindset, neuroplasticity., pain, patterns, personal power, physical function, Pilates, positive attitude, positive messages, positive thinking, relationships, visualization, yoga