Tag: fitness

Simple Fit Tips for Youthful Vitality

As an expert in the field of health and fitness with a focus on fitness over fifty, I am often asked if it really is possible to have vibrant energy, health, and vitality over fifty. The answer is a resounding “yes!” And the inevitable follow up question is “how?” Well, I do have an awful lot to say about that, especially since I wrote an entire book on the subject, which happened to win two awards and became an Amazon #1Best Seller, but I digress. However, we all have busy lives, and in the interest of keeping things brief I’m sharing 3 simple but highly effective tips that can help keep you strong, fit, and healthy at every stage of life. And the good news is that you can do them every single day in the privacy of your own home. So, here are the tips along...

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Functional Fitness Fusion

After testing the waters by teaching several in person workshops at Studio 3sixT, I have been invited to teach a weekly class. YAY! This weekly class is a combination of many movement modalities including Pilates, fit ball, gentle body sculpting, somatic awareness, barre work, therapeutic exercise, and Feldenkrais. The class is 55 minutes long and starts at 1:15. No previous experience is necessary and all levels are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat and a large towel. Have socks on hand, just in case we need to put them on our feet. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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Functional Fitness Fusion Class

After testing the waters by teaching several in person workshops at Studio 3sixT, I have been invited to teach a weekly class. YAY! This weekly class is a combination of many movement modalities including Pilates, fit ball, gentle body sculpting, somatic awareness, barre work, therapeutic exercise, and Feldenkrais. The class is 55 minutes long and starts at 1:15. No previous experience is necessary and all levels are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat and a large towel. Have socks on hand, just in case we need to put them on our feet. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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Weekly Functional Fitness Fusion Class

After testing the waters by teaching several in person workshops at Studio 3sixT, I have been invited to teach a weekly class. YAY! This class will be a combination of many movement modalities including Pilates, fit ball, gentle body sculpting, somatic awareness, barre work, therapeutic exercise, and Feldenkrais. The class is 55 minutes long and starts at 1:15. No previous experience is necessary and all levels are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat and a large towel. Have socks on hand, just in case we need to put them on our feet. Please contact me if you have any questions. Click here to register for class

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