Forever Fit and Flexible

by Cheryl Ilov

Imagine starting each day with a spring in your step. Envision liking what you see in the full-length mirror before you get dressed. Now  visualize that you can engage in any activity with strength, grace, and  confidence.

In Forever Fit and Flexible Cheryl llov provides a program that will help you create this and more. Her movement lessons provide the building blocks to better posture, core strength, flexibility, balance, and functional strength. As you develop a solid physical foundation, you will also:

  • Eliminate chronic pain
  • Improve injury-related mobility issues
  • Experience increased energy
  • Develop mindful self-awareness and a positive mindset

Cheryl llov combined her extensive trainings in Pilates, Feldenkrais, martial arts, and ballet with her MS degree in physical therapy to create this advanced movement program. It was through her personal experience of chronic pain, fatigue, and injuries that she perfected her program and is now dedicated to helping others achieve the best quality of life possible, regardless of age or current level of function. Forever Fit and Flexible offers you the possibility of living with a new sense of energy and vitality as you move into your fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond. Once you get moving, you’ll want to keep moving.

About Cheryl Ilov

Cheryl Ilov has always had a passion for storytelling. Her writing career began by chronicling medical documents and progress reports for thousands of patients as a medical professional in both respiratory as well as physical therapy. Along the way, she discovered that weaving stories along with treatment modalities helped educate her patients and was a powerful tool in their recovery and ongoing progress.

Forever Fit and Flexible Reviews

“In this useful book, author and physical therapist Cheryl IIov shares her years of personal experience and expertise to help readers achieve a healthy life through movement, mindset and nutrition. Overall, Forever Fit and Flexible is a well written, thorough guide to healthy living that will be enjoyed by a wide spectrum of readers looking for the same.”

–BlueInk Reviews

“A physical therapist offers ‘movement lessons’ to improve posture, core strength, and other traits to in this debut health and fitness guide. An appealing, mindful method for fitness and well-being.”

–Kirkus Reviews

Forever Fit and Flexible is an approachable, tell-it-like-it-is manual on how to stay young and vibrant, no matter how many birthdays have passed.”


“For those who sense they are already stuck behind the 8-ball in terms of inadequate flexibility, body conditioning and image challenges, and overall healthfulness, the book is solid gold. I strongly recommend Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond. A great read!”

 –Hank F.


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Vitality Zone

A fitness package by Cheryl Ilov
cheryl ilov

Are you ready to bust the myths of aging? Caution! You are about to enter The Vitality Zone.

Go for it!