Tag: neuroplasticity.

Mindful Meditation or Back Yard TV

Ahhh, meditation. Every “expert” I know sings the praises of mindful meditation along with the many health benefits including stress management, reducing negative emotions, and increasing patience and tolerance. I have often been told by multiple experts, “You need to meditate. You’re so high strung, and it’s the only way to calm your mind.” To say I’m high strung is an understatement, but I prefer to think of it as high energy. One of my ballet teachers once said that I had “big energy.” I took it as a compliment until one of the dancers said, “That’s a nice way of putting it.” Hmmm….I wondered what she meant by that. The look on her face indicated it wasn’t a compliment. Along with having high energy, I...

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Valentine’s Day

I have always loved Valentine’s Day, mostly because of the pretty decorations, but no Valentine’s Day could possibly compare to my first Feldenkrais Valentine’s Day. It was a truly rewarding and gratifying somatosensory experience. Feldenkrais even made me fall in love again, with Valentine’s Day. Find out why here…..A Feldenkrais Valentine’s Day.

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What’s Your Superpower?

Did you know that you have a superpower? Trust me, you do–we all do. The key is to figure out what it is, and how to use it and share it with the world, all for the power of good. Using our superpower is easy, but finding it is the hard part. I’ve spent a long time looking for mine, and I learned a few tips and tricks along the way that can help you find yours. And you don’t even have to spend fifty years looking for it the way I did. So here are a few simple steps to finding your own superpower. First of all, be careful what you tell yourself, because what we believe is what we become. What we tell ourselves, and what we hear from other people, is what we eventually believe, even if it goes against our inherent belief system. There is a physiological reason for this. Our...

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Groundhog Day–Again

It’s Groundhog Day. Again. It always reminds me of the movie with Bill Murray where he finds himself living the same day over and over again. Repeating the same day and the same patterns drives him bonkers, until he sees a way of turning the situation to his advantage. Quite simply, he changes his patterns, and magic happens. We all get stuck in habits and patterns that aren’t serving us well, and we end up getting stuck in a rut. The good news is that we can crawl out of that rut with just a few simple changes. Here are a few tips that sound really easy and downright silly, but trust me, they work. 1). Sleep on the “wrong” side of the bed. It might sound strange, but it can give you an entirely different perspective on bedtime. You might even sleep better. 2). Change...

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Episode # 49 Lifelong Learning and Endless Possibilities

Mariah Ehlert, Certified Neurosculpting® Facilitator, Master Nutrition Therapist and Portrait Photographer extraordinaire returns to The FemiNinja Project to share the secrets of creating your own inner sanctuary and the power of forgiveness. She also explains how to rewrite your story, rewire your life, and releasing the magic of the mind-body connection. The possibilities are endless! https://www.mariahphotography.com/ https://www.therebelbrain.com/ https://www.facebook.com/MariahEhlertPhotography/ https://www.facebook.com/TheRebelBrain/ https://www.instagram.com/mariahge/:

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Episode #26: Courage, Creativity, and Brain Power

In this episode, Mariah Ehlert shares her personal story of how she went from having a lucrative job at Wall Street to being laid off and homeless after purchasing a turn of the century building (a church, no less) and transforming it into a beautiful space called The Sanctuary Studio. This is a woman who knows how to dream, and dream big. She shares her story and her secrets to thriving, even during the tough times. Download this episode to discover how she turned her fear into power, and how she can help you do the same.

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Episode #25: A Life Of Healing

As an infant, Carly Kaatz Hudson suffered a devastating and life-threatening illness. Although she recovered, she was left with neurological dysfunction including left-sided neglect, balance disorders, spasticity, and hearing loss. Rather than accepting the prognosis of living with her disabilities and no hope of recovery, her parents explored alternative treatments, which led Carly on a path of life-long learning and healing. Now a successful chiropractor with her own alternative medical practice, Dr. Carly helps hundreds of patients recover from injuries, illness, and chronic pain. Hear her story, and how you can access your body’s natural ability to heal itself. http://www.healinggroundchiropracticcare.com/

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Episode # 21 No More Agony of Da Feet

Our feet are an important part of our overall health and well-being. We’ve all experienced the discomfort of aching feet, but it’s easy to ignore the warning signs of what might become a chronic problem. Foot discomfort can quickly spiral out of control to chronic pain and foot deformities that require surgery to correct. However, regular stretching, strengthening, and self-massage can keep our feet strong, healthy, and flexible. It can even reverse and correct deformities and conditions such as bunions, hammer toes, Morton’s neuroma, and plantar fasciitis without surgery. It’s true, and I have the feet to prove it. Start a regular program of foot care today, and save yourself from the agony of da feet. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel and how much more energy you’ll have when you...

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What We Believe is What We Become

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my Feldenkrais Training is that what we tell ourselves really does matter. Our mind (our brain and our nervous system) is constantly listening and processing the information that it receives. What we tell ourselves is what we believe. And what we believe is what we become. This became quite obvious during ballet class a few days ago when I listened to several of my barre buddies beat themselves down with negative self-talk. Our teacher had just given us a challenging and complex combination. A group of dancers stood around discussing their limitations, their short comings, their injuries, the reasons why they wouldn’t be able to do the combination and what would happen when they tried. It was fascinating to see all of their dire predictions...

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Ballet Is For Everybody, and Every Age

Ballet is the motherload for health, fitness, strength, and flexibility. However, traditional belief is that ballet is only for children and aspiring young professionals. That simply isn’t true! Adults of every age (and any age) can enjoy the remarkable health benefits of ballet. Ballet is the ultimate fountain of youth, and you are never too old to start taking ballet classes. I know many adults who began their ballet training in their 50s, 60s, and even 70s. This Bonus Episode features professional ballet dancer, teacher, choreographer and all-around great guy, Radoslaw Kokoszka. He shares his remarkable story of becoming a professional ballet dancer as well as his personal philosophy of ballet and dance in general. His unique and gentle approach to teaching ballet to people of all ages...

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