Episode 6: Who Needs A Gym?

Keeping fit and healthy is an important component of the spirit of the ninja. Think about it–how could you possibly defend yourself or your loved ones if you were in poor physical shape? You couldn’t, which is why you need to follow some sort of fitness routine.
But, what do you do if you’re like me, and hate going to the gym? Believe me, in my younger years I tried. Really I did. I even tried running a long time ago. But I quickly discovered that I was allergic to running and the mere thought of going to a gym made me break out in hives.
Fortunately I discovered other ways to keep in some sort of shape, including dance, Pilates, and martial arts classes. All, by the way, are highly effective but also incredibly expensive to pursue on a regular basis. But, they share many basic principles and have a lot in common, which is something I was able to figure out and share with hundreds of my clients along the way stay in tip-top shape so they can fight the good fight.
In this episode I share some surprisingly simple tips to help you get fit and stay fit in every stage of life, without spending hours at a gym. Because it’s not what you do during those few hours a week at the gym. It’s what you do during the rest of the time that really counts. And here are just a few ideas.
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