Tag: wellness

Fit Tip: Less is More & Strong is Sexy

A strong body is a healthy body, and an attractive one as well. There is nothing more appealing than the look of sleek, toned muscles in every stage of life. But even more important than the way a strong body looks is the way it feels. Strength feels healthy, confident, resilient, and youthful. However, we do start losing muscle mass as early as the age of 30, and it is harder to build muscle tissue as we get older. But it is possible. I recently overheard two women over 50 bemoaning the fact that they couldn’t build muscles even though they were faithfully lifting weights at the gym three times a week under the supervision of a young personal trainer who was pushing them to use heavier weights and do more reps. Unfortunately, the only results they experienced were aches, pains, and...

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Mindful Meditation or Back Yard TV

Ahhh, meditation. Every “expert” I know sings the praises of mindful meditation along with the many health benefits including stress management, reducing negative emotions, and increasing patience and tolerance. I have often been told by multiple experts, “You need to meditate. You’re so high strung, and it’s the only way to calm your mind.” To say I’m high strung is an understatement, but I prefer to think of it as high energy. One of my ballet teachers once said that I had “big energy.” I took it as a compliment until one of the dancers said, “That’s a nice way of putting it.” Hmmm….I wondered what she meant by that. The look on her face indicated it wasn’t a compliment. Along with having high energy, I...

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Fabulous Fit Tip #4

Welcome back to my simple and practical fabulous fit tips! FIT TIP #4: VISUALIZE SUCCESS Never underestimate the power of visualization. What you can imagine, you can achieve. Using your imagination and practicing visualization actually changes the neural pathways in your brain. Professional athletes and performing artists have used the power of visualization for years to improve their performance on the field and on the stage. It works for them and it will work for you. Visualize yourself doing some activity every day which will help you improve your strength, flexibility, balance, posture, and core strength. Focus on only one thing at a time, and truly engage your mind as you imagine the sensation going through you as you slowly perform the activity. You will be amazed at how much benefit...

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Fabulous Fit Tip #3

Welcome back to Fabulous Fit Tips, dedicated to providing simple but valuable tips to help you become forever fit and flexible. If you haven’t read the previous Fit Tips, you may want to check them out since the tips are listed in consecutive order to help make them easy to follow and commit to. Fit Tip #1 Fit Tip #2 Here’s the next tip to help keep you on track and achieve your goals. Fit Tip #3: Track your progress Now that you have set clear and specific goals, and have written them down on paper, it’s time to track your progress. Keep a diary, a journal, or other written record of your progress at a glance. Include when you have met your goals for the week as well as when you have fallen short. However, remember to leave out the judgement and the guilt if you haven’t accomplished...

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Fabulous Fit Tip #1

Welcome to Cheryl’s fabulous fit tips! One of my goals for this year is to include a series of monthly fit tips to share with you, based on my award-winning and best-selling book, “Forever Fit & Flexible.” My plan was to begin in January, but along the way I saw a shiny object and was off and running in another direction. It happens sometimes. However, now I am back on track, and as I started the series of fit tips, I found a old gem which I wrote 8 years ago regarding my thoughts on mid-March resolutions. Ironically, or shall I say coincidently, the first fit tip is about setting goals. Each consecutive tip builds on the previous one, to help give you the tools to be successful, not only in your Fit & Flexible journey, but in every single aspect of your life. FIT...

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Fit & Flexible Private Sessions

Are you ready to bust the myths of aging? CAUTION! You are about to enter THE VITALITY ZONE! Cheryl’s Fit & Flexible private sessions will help you to move better, feel better, look better, and live better than you though possible, at every stage of life. Your package includes: Five weekly customized one hour sessions via ZOOM, one-on-one with Cheryl, the expert in the art of movement. Video recordings of each session–for you to incorporate into your ongoing Fit & Flexible program. Your personal questions accepted via email will be answered within 24 hours directly by Cheryl. A complimentary download of the eBook of Cheryl’s book, “Forever Fit & Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond.” Cheryl’s monthly newsletter full of tips, recipes,...

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Healthy Posture, Healthy Body

Healthy posture is essential to our health, wellness, fitness, and flexibility. Not only does good posture make you look better, it makes you feel better. Besides, there are a multitude of health benefits that you can reap from practicing good posture. Consequently, there are a myriad of detrimental effects that can result from poor posture. Let’s start with the bad news so we can end on a high note. “Poor posture” is typically associated with a slumped spine, rounded shoulders, and a forward head position. This posture makes us appear timid, tired, aged, and like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. I guess that’s something we can all relate to after the year we’ve just had, as well as the fact that we have literally been glued to our computers...

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The Best Defense

As a practicing ninja, I know a thing or two about defense. Most of the time, the best defense against an attack is usually the simplest and the most obvious. Just don’t make yourself vulnerable. It’s cold and flu season, and I’m a germaphobe. Not an over the top crazy kind of germaphobe, but a sensible kind. After all, I spent forty years working in health care, so I also know a little bit about infections, especially how to prevent them. And it’s so simple….wash your hands. Wash them often and wash them well. You don’t need any special equipment or antibacterial soap. All you just need is mild soap and warm water. Wash your hands before and after you eat, use the bathroom, blow your nose, sneeze, cough, touch your face, touch commonly used public surfaces,...

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Episode #50 Sugar and Gluten and Soy–Oh My!

Kimsey Self, owner of Progressive Health and Wellness returns to The FemiNinja for a follow-up episode to share even more clarity on health and healing. In Kimsey’s own words, “Healing the physical body is a gateway to optimizing your entire life.” And she’s here to tell you how. https://www.facebook.com/ProgressiveHealthandWellness/ Instagram: @progressivehealthandwellness Website: www.progressivehealthandwellness.com

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