Fabulous Fit Tip #1

Welcome to Cheryl’s fabulous fit tips! One of my goals for this year is to include a series of monthly fit tips to share with you, based on my award-winning and best-selling book, “Forever Fit & Flexible.” My plan was to begin in January, but along the way I saw a shiny object and was off and running in another direction. It happens sometimes.

However, now I am back on track, and as I started the series of fit tips, I found a old gem which I wrote 8 years ago regarding my thoughts on mid-March resolutions. Ironically, or shall I say coincidently, the first fit tip is about setting goals. Each consecutive tip builds on the previous one, to help give you the tools to be successful, not only in your Fit & Flexible journey, but in every single aspect of your life.

FIT TIP #1: Set clear and specific goals 

If you don’t have clear goals, you have no direction and will wander around aimlessly, much like I did in January when I got distracted by a shiny object. But when you know what you’re doing you can do what you want. This applies to every aspect of your life, including your health and fitness goals, so be very clear about what you would like to accomplish.

Instead of making a general statement such as “I want to exercise more,” set a more well-defined goal, such as “I will get 15-30 minutes of exercise a day 4-6 days a week.” Giving yourself a range gives you a bit of wiggle room, and will help you be successful in whatever it is you want to achieve.

Make sure that your fitness goals are challenging, but achievable. It’s important to challenge yourself, but be careful that you do not overwhelm yourself with unrealistic expectations. Set small, incremental goals which are reasonable, but that push you out of your comfort zone at the same time.

This is a great place for you to start, and stay tuned for more thoughts on setting goals next month. Until then, feel free to contact me if you need a little help. And remember to keep moving, and be healthy!

fit and flexible, fitness, fitness goals, fitness over 40, fitness over 50, Forever Fit and Flexible, health, wellness