Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, or Not?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot? What exactly does that mean, anyway? When Harry met Sally they pondered that very question one New Year’s Eve. Sally said it was about old friends. After extensively researching the topic, I discovered that she was right, but to me it represents something more than old friends. It’s about saying goodbye to the old and ringing in the new.
And a lot of us are ringing in the new year with New Year’s Resolutions firmly in place, which I think is a bad idea, for many reasons. But the main reason is that we all have a tendency to set goals that are way to ambitious which sets us up for failure. That’s an awful way to start a new year, a new decade, or even a new day.
I have another idea. Instead of looking ahead at what you are hoping to achieve in the new year, why not treat the old one like an old friend, and do a little reminiscing? Looking back on the past year is a great experiment in self-reflection, and it is also full of surprises.
Over the past few years, I have made a practice if flipping backwards through my calendar, just to remember what I was able to accomplish (or not) in the previous year, and celebrate the journey of those 365 days that got me to the place of another New Year. I usually end up feeling pretty good about myself, and I’ll bet you will too.
So, take the time to look back, reflect, and celebrate your many accomplishments, no matter how great or small. Give yourself a pat on the back before you plunge ahead into the New Year and a new decade. Even if you think that 2019 wasn’t the best for you, I can guarantee you can find several things to be proud of.
When you do, write them down, make a list, and keep it where you can see it every day as a reminder that you rock. Because, hindsight is 2020. And that’s a wonderful way to start the New Year. Wouldn’t you agree?
accomplishments, achievements, Auld Acquintance, Auld Lang Syne, celebtae, experiment, friends, friendship, hindsight, New Year, New Years Resolutions, reflection, relationships, reminiscing, self-awareness, self-reflection