Author: Cheryl

Does a bear sit in the woods?

    While my husband and I were packing up our SUV to return home from Thanksgiving in the mountains, we were greeted with quite a surprise. Our vehicle was covered with dirt and dust, but there appeared to be a pattern or some sort of order to the dirty smudges. We looked closer and noted that the smudges were actually paw prints. Fairly large paw prints. Incredulous, we looked at  each other….BEAR!     We walked around the SUV and saw how carefully the little guy had gone around the vehicle and looked in the windows. There were prints on the back bumper where he must have raised himself up to look in the back window. There was another print on the passenger side window where he supported himself to look inside. There were even nose prints on the window where he must have pressed...

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Elk and the Power of Graciousness

While preparing our Thanksgiving dinner at our favorite mountain hangout, I heard a bit of commotion outside. I stepped outside to see what all the excitement was about. Across the street several cars were slamming on their brakes, tires squealing, and pulling over onto the side of the road. Car doors opened and people started pouring out of the cars with their cameras ready. Wondering what caught their attention, I noticed two huge bull elk standing in the grass, grazing, and minding their own business. The tourists seemed to be getting dangerously close to the elk trying to get their pictures. The basic rules of wildlife etiquette, so to speak, is to admire them from a distance, and do not invade their personal space. You do not approach them, you do not feed them, and if the animal changes...

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Acorns, autumn leaves and woolly catepillars….

    I absolutely love autumn. I love everything about it, and I especially love autumn in Western Pennsylvania where I grew up. Over the years, I had promised myself that someday I would go back during this special time. Two years ago, I did just that. I went home for a ten day visit. The weather was beautiful, and the colors were glorious!     I spent every morning and afternoon with my parents. But, when it got close to three o’clock I would speed dial my sister. “Hey, can I pick up the kids from school today? Can I take them to the park to play?” After all, I needed to get outside, and I didn’t know anyone else who was available at three in the afternoon. I also didn’t know anyone else who had the energy to keep up with me.     I would race to the school...

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Open the gate….and let the learning begin!

During my journey as a Feldenkrais Practitioner, I have had the opportunity to teach to a wide variety of populations in many different and sometimes challenging environments. One of my favorite experiences took place two years ago, when I was invited to teach a workshop for a friend of mine who was also a psychologist who specialized in Equine Therapy. It sounded interesting as well as intriguing, so I agreed, even though I reminded my friend that I have very little (if any) experience with horses. He assured me that it didn’t matter; he simply wanted me to give a workshop to a small group of his colleagues regarding Feldenkrais. Okey-dokey. Now that is a subject I am comfortable with and have some experience. I met the group at my friend’s ranch high in the Rocky Mountains....

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Hurry up and relax….

I live vicariously through other people’s vacations. I hear them make their plans, see their photos on Facebook, and listen to how much fun they had and how relaxed they are when they come home. I listen wistfully….I want some of that. Vacations are a distant memory; I haven’t had one in over 5 years. I would love to sit on a beach, or at least go somewhere for a change of scenery. My husband travels a lot. My schedule is unpredictable. We have to plan ahead just to go out to dinner. Then a miracle happened. I looked at our calendar and realized we had about 36 hours of free time over the weekend. An idea began to form in my brain. If we planned carefully, and if we timed everything perfectly, we could head up to our favorite mountain town at the foot of Rocky Mountain...

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Investing in gold….Colorado style.

    With the current economy, we hear over and over again that we should invest in gold. I don’t know much about finances, but I do know that sound investments can reap huge rewards. Thirty five years ago I invested in gold, Colorado style. As far as I’m concerned, I’m getting a fantastic return on my investment. What do you think?     It’s important to choose your investments well. Be healthy!Cheryl Ilov, PT, GCFP

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The Feldenkrais Method(R) and the simplicity of plasticity….

   I love neuroscience, and anything that has to do with the brain. My neurons fire into overdrive just thinking about the subject. The Feldenkrais Method(R) is based on the scientific principle of neuroplasticity, which simply means that our nervous system is inherently flexible, malleable and able to change during the course of our entire lifetime.     I could describe in some detail the physiological changes that occur on a cellular level, including the chemical reactions, cascade of neurotransmitters and hormones that are released during Feldenkrais lessons that allow for these changes to occur. However, it just sounds like “blah, blah, blah….blah, blah blah.” I believe it would be more effective to translate all the science babble into practicle application. Here it...

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Self employed, self respect, and the measure of success….

        Being self employed provides a rare and wonderful opportunity to unleash your creativity and express yourself through your work, without the constraints of a boss, co-workers, productivity demands, staff meetings, etc. It’s wonderful, and I love it. However, along with the freedom, flexibility, creativity and job satisfaction comes the understanding that you are always “on the job,” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.     When I am not working directly with clients, I am working on marketing, networking, budgeting, short term goals, long term goals, organizing lessons, classes and workshops. I am constantly taking continuing education and advanced trainings. Vacations are a distant memory. There is no such thing as sick days or paid time off. There is no benefits package....

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Martial arts, ninja tricks, and travel trauma…..

  I don’t like to fly; as a matter of fact, I hate it. However, I recently believed I was becoming more zen about the whole process. Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the airport and fly the friendly skies, travel trauma strikes again.   It’s funny how my martial arts training keeps me from embarrassing myself. I recently went to Pittsburgh for a long weekend. I was okay on the flight out, but the return to Denver really tested my patience and my perseverance. For some reason, TSA always plucks me out of the security line to go through the naked scanner. It only happens in Pittsburgh, and it happens every time I go through that airport. It’ s as if little bells go off every time I enter the terminal announcing to the security team, “She’s baa-aa-ack!”...

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Sword cuts, patience, and a powerful teacher.

I bought a sword last weekend. I hadn’t planned on buying one, and I certainly hadn’t been looking for one. We have been working a lot more with sword cuts in my martial arts class, and I have a nice white oak wooden sword. It’s light weight, it’s really pretty, and it serves it’s purpose. But last weekend my husband and I took a drive up to the mountains just to get out of town, even if it was only for a few hours. I was in the mood to go exploring, so we drove up to one of the popular mountain towns just to walk around and check out the shops. We walked past a store front, and I said to my husband, “I have to go in here”.  He looked at me like I was crazy, but he followed me in the store anyway. It was a knife shop, exactly the type of store I...

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