Author: Cheryl

The green machine and driven to drink….

    I work hard to keep up with the current trends in health, wellness, fitness and nutrition. It’s more than my  profession; it’s my passion. However, I’m a natural born skeptic, and I question everything. My skepticism is coupled with an adventurous spirit and a desire to try new things. Especially when it comes to the subject of health, wellness, fitness and nutrition. I know, it’s a conflict, but maybe you can appreciate my confusion.     I heard about green juicing several months ago from an acquaintance online. The scientist in me could understand the value of drinking raw vegetable juice. The skeptic in me wondered if it really would boost my energy and my immune system. The dancer in me wondered about the calorie content in the juice. The practical part of...

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The Feldenkrais Method(R) and the born again Pilatean.

    After my first Feldenkrais workshop, I knew I wanted to become a practitioner. I wasn’t exactly sure what was involved in the four long years that it took to get through a Feldenkrais training, and I really didn’t care. At first.     However, once I made the decision, I started to have second thoughts. After all, four years is a long time, and I was feeling uncomfortable with all of the touchy-feely communication coming from my instructors and my classmates. I was also getting pretty nervous anytime I heard how a training transforms you. I didn’t want to be transformed.     Before I started the training, I worked with two clients who did Pilates together. They both had some experience with Feldenkrais. As a matter of fact, both of them had more experience in the Method...

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The Feldenkrais Method(R) and the effortless movement of the skeleton….

    As a Feldenkrais Practitioner, one of my greatest challenges is trying to describe what the Method is, how it works, and what Feldenkrais can do to help you. At first, it seems quite complicated. In reality, it’s actually very simple.     In Feldenkrais, we focus on moving from our bones and our skeleton, rather than pushing from our muscles. Our skeletal structure supports us, our bones move us, and our nervous system is the computer which functions as the control center. Our muscles simply contract and relax as a result of the messages they receive from the very sophisticated, highly developed and extremely intelligent nervous system.     I know, it’s a different way of approaching movement, and it may be contrary to your current belief system about the science of movement....

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Adding the minutes on the hands of time….

    Changing the clocks twice a year seems like a huge waste of time, so to speak. It doesn’t matter if we fall back or spring forward, I always feel like I’ve lost an hour. Even worse, I can’t find it anywhere, no matter how hard I look.     Time is a funny thing anyway; it seems to slip away when you’re not looking. Add that pesky one hour time change and it’s amazing how it gets away from us. It disrupts our schedule and our circadian rhythm. On the other hand, if one hour can mess us up, doesn’t it make sense that one hour can work to our advantage?     A lot of my clients tell me that they are simply too busy to exercise. Between work, family and other obligations, they just don’t have the time. I know, and I understand. However, I explain that...

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Don’t fear the reformer….

    It’s funny to see the reaction from most people the first time they see a Pilates reformer. A common response is, “It looks like a rack. Or a torture device.” Until they try it. And, they fall in love with it.     The truth is that the Pilates reformer is a very safe and comfortable tool (when used correctly) to help people of all ages and all levels of function stretch and strengthen their entire body. Even people who have chronic pain, injuries, balance problems, postural deformities and neurological conditions can safely and effectively strengthen their core, lengthen their spine, improve their posture and learn how to move without pain.        My clients who are injured, deconditioned (out of shape) or have chronic pain are amazed at how good they feel, not only...

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Everything in moderation…..

    We all know that sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time is not good for our health. For my clients who have a desk job, I encourage them not to sit still; fidgeting and squirming is good for us. You know, the kind of behaviour that used to get us in trouble when we were kids. I also suggest that they sit on an exercise ball intermittently during they, as well as get up and move as often as possible. For my clients that have a job which requires prolonged standing, I have several tricks to relieve stress on their back, legs, hips and feet.    It’s important to keep moving during the day, including at work. But I was amused to learn that some businesses are introducing office furniture that allow employees to enjoy a new concept called “active work stations.”  These...

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More hearts and flowers on Valentine’s Day.

    Once again, it’s Valentine’s Day. I love Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t take much to make me happy, and just knowing that I am appreciated is good enough for me. But, for some people, Valentine’s Day is even more stressful than Christmas. Expectations are high and the pressure is on.     I have a friend who has been known to give her husband the cold shoulder for weeks if he doesn’t come through with just the perfect gift for her on Valentine’s Day. The problem is, she never gives him any hints of what she might want, and every year he disappoints her. You’d think one of them would figure it out by now.     My single friends either ignore the holiday or try to live vicariously through those of us who are happily married. Even my married friends...

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From low back pain to no back pain….

It amazes me how many people suffer from low back pain when they simply do not have to. By using a combination of gentle therapeutic exercise, core strengthening, postural awareness and movement exploration you can transition from low back pain to no back pain. It’s actually easier than you may think. First, let’s address sitting. Most of us sit for long periods at a time, and I have never met a chair that is comfortable and provides proper support for anyone, let alone everyone. And don’t even get me started on airplane seats. You can’t change the chair, but you can make a few easy adjustments to support yourself and reduce unnecessary strain on your back by following these easy steps: 1). Make sure your spine is properly supported by using a small towel roll behind...

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Sisters, cereal and B-B-BATS…..

    When I was a little girl, my mother used to take us grocery shopping with her. I had two older sisters, and my Mom was smart enough not to take all of us with her at the same time. She had us on a rotating schedule, which meant that each child had her turn to accompany her to the A&P while the other two stayed home.     The child of the week had the honor of selecting the cereal and a bag of candy for the week. We didn’t often get candy, but my mother would always have a small bag on hand tucked up in the highest kitchen cabinet that we couldn’t possibly reach even if the three of us collaborated all of our efforts.     The cereal of the week was no problem. The sister on deck would usually select a variety pack, so everyone was happy, more or less. But the candy was...

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A different kind of family Christmas….

Everyone has their Christmas traditions and time they spend with friends and family. Our Christmas tradition is simple; my husband and I spend a quiet Christmas together. But when my mother-in-law took a turn for the worst and my husband left town on the 23rd, my plans for Christmas suddenly and dramatically changed. No quiet Christmas Eve dinner at home. No Christmas Day champagne brunch at the Brown Palace. My Christmas just got thrown a curve ball. I knew I would be bombarded with invitations if my friends knew I would be alone on Christmas. However, I really didn’t want to be pulled into someone else’s dysfunctional family Christmas. Nor did I want to go to a movie and go out for Chinese food. I figured sitting at home watching old movies sounded like my best choice. Then I...

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