Episode 9: Ninja Body Talk

The way you stand, walk and move communicates to the world what kind of person you are, and what kind of day you’re having. People pay attention to your body language more than you think they do, and it leaves a lasting first impression. Even more important is the fact that the way you carry yourself can make you a desirable target for a potential attacker. Or not.
Perpetrators are looking for an easy target. If you stand, walk, and move like a ninja, you present yourself as a strong, confident person, and less likely to be target for an attacker. Especially if you look like someone who would fight back. Attackers are bullies, and one thing they do not want is someone who looks like they would present a challenge.
Download this episode to discover how to step out in the world with strength and confidence, and how not to be a target for the bad guys out there. And then please share these tips with your friends, loved ones, and especially your children. Together we can make the world a safer place.
attackers, attacks, avoid an attack, awareness, body language, bullies, confidence, human dignity, ninja, ninja body talk, ninja secrets, ninja tips, ninja tricks, perpetrators, personal power, safety, self protection, self-awareness, self-confidence, strength, strong, target