Tag: ninja secrets

Lessons from The FemiNinja

During my 17 years of training in the Art of the Ninja, there were many principles and philosophies of the art which were applicable to every aspect of my life and every life situation. My training was not only about protecting myself, it was about learning how to have a better life through the insights gleaned through training. A few weeks ago I had the honor of telling my story to the Pearls of Wisdom Women’s Circle, hosted by my friend and colleague Beth Anderson of Pearl Coaching, LLC. I shared some of my insights with them, and now I am sharing them with you. As I reflect on my experiences, I realize I have so many ninja secrets that I am now collecting them and organizing them to put in a book. Yes, even while my second book, “The Reluctant Ninja,”is going through...

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Sunshine Beet Salad

I love beets. My husband, not so much. But I don’t know what to do with them when I buy them. Until recently, when I found myself at a Farmer’s Market looking at a beautiful basket of yellow beets. They seemed to be calling my name, and since my husband wasn’t around to stop me, I bought a small bunch. When I caught up with my husband, he asked me what I had in the bag. I avoided his eyes. “Beets,” I muttered. He got a very guarded look on his face before he asked the obvious question. “And what are you going to do with them?” “Darned if I know,” I replied. But I knew I’d think of something, or these lovely golden beauties would end up like all of the other beets I buy. Shriveled up in the compost. I didn’t want that to happen,...

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Episode #14 Three Ninja Tips For Life

Often times life presents us with unexpected and challenging opportunities. We have two choices: embrace the challenge or walk away. However, if we walk away we might be missing out on an incredible experience that can change the direction of our lives forever. In a good way. Which is exactly what happened to me when I had the chance to begin training in Ninpo Tai Jutsu. What started as “I’ll take a few classes and quit” eventually resulted in becoming my teacher’s first female black belt. Honesty, effort, and commitment are the first three traits of the ninja that I learned as a brand new martial arts student. However, these three little words have different practical applications to each and every one of us, both in martial arts training and life in general. This...

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Episode 9: Ninja Body Talk

The way you stand, walk and move communicates to the world what kind of person you are, and what kind of day you’re having. People pay attention to your body language more than you think they do, and it leaves a lasting first impression. Even more important is the fact that the way you carry yourself can make you a desirable target for a potential attacker. Or not. Perpetrators are looking for an easy target. If you stand, walk, and move like a ninja, you present yourself as a strong, confident person, and less likely to be target for an attacker. Especially if you look like someone who would fight back. Attackers are bullies, and one thing they do not want is someone who looks like they would present a challenge. Download this episode to discover how to step out in the world with strength...

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Episode 8: Nature’s Oil Can

Do you ever feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz? Maybe you wake up every morning so stiff and inflexible that you wish you had your very own oil can and a team of friends to help you use it. Or, maybe you try stretching your tight muscles, only to feel even worse afterwards. Don’t feel like you’re alone. It happens to a lot of us, and there is a physiological reason for it. Martial artists manage to stay flexible during the course of their entire lifetime. They have to, if they want to continue to keep fighting the good fight. This episode highlights an ancient ninja secret which is a miracle of nature that is in each and every one of us. It will help you discover a new level of flexibility in your body, mind, and spirit. Download this episode to learn what it is and...

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Episode 3: Simple Ninja Safety Tip

In my previous episode, Super Special Ninja Secret, I shared the nifty little trick of how to avoid an attack. However, you can’t get out of the way if you can’t see it coming. Which is how I ended up getting a glass of wine thrown in my face. It was a waste of good wine, but also a powerful reminder of what can happen when we let our guard down. I am not talking about being paranoid. I am talking about paying attention to yourself, to your environment, and to other people around you. Looking back, there were very subtle signs that the situation was escalating. But, I simply thought I was having an animated conversation with someone I knew well and cared deeply about. I was wrong. The truth is that we can’t always see when a hit is coming. But, we can certainly increase...

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Episode 2: Super Special Ninja Secret

One of the first things I learned as a brand new martial arts student was how to get out of the way of an attack. It’s actually a super sneaky and nifty little ninja secret that can help you in a multiple of different situations. It’s the secret to the infamous “ninja disappearing act.” I’ll just bet you’re rolling your eyes right now, thinking that it’s just not possible for someone to disappear. Think again. It’s a surprisingly simple, easy, and effective technique which can keep you safe in a multitude of different situations. As I said, it was one of the first things I learned as a brand new martial arts student, and I was really, really good at it. Because anytime one of the guys tried to attack me, I would run off of the mat, screaming like a banshee with my gi top over my head. Not...

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Episode 1: Welcome to The FemiNinja Project!

Exactly one year ago I entered a podcasting contest. At the time, I had no idea what a podcast was, or why I would possibly want one. I entered the contest anyway. Eight anxiety-filled weeks later and overcoming multiple steep learning curves, the contest was over. I didn’t win, but I was invited to join the platform anyway. I am now flying solo, re-branding the show, and creating a community of like-minded women and men who are dedicated to restoring human dignity and helping people of all ages and walks of life unleash their personal power. In this first episode, you’ll hear about how (and why) I began training in an ancient Japanese martial art called Ninpo Tai Jutsu, the Art of the Ninja. As a matter of fact, you’ll learn more about me than I ever wanted anyone to know....

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Ancient Ninja Secret for Your New Year

Here we are, in the last week of January. Maybe you started the new month (and the new year), with high expectations of working out, going to the gym, or eating healthy. How’s that working out so far? A lot of us make those New Year’s Resolutions and end up falling flat on our face. Fantastic. One more thing we can feel guilty about. But, I have a better idea. Instead of feeling guilty or giving up completely, I am going to share an ancient ninja secret with you. But, please don’t report me to the Society of Ninja Secrets. They might not like it, and might take away my hard-earned official secret ninja card. So, here it is–keep moving! Literally, just move. Move your body in every single direction, including forward, backward, side to side, and diagonally. There are...

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Blinded By The Light

“Blinded by the light” made for a great song title by the Manfred Mann’s Earth Band in the early 1970s.  But, if you’ve ever had a bright light in your eyes, you know that it does literally blind you, at least temporarily. Those rods and cones that live in your retina start going absolutely bonkers trying to readjust to the sudden burst of bright light, leaving you confused and disoriented. Which is the reason why you should always have a strong, high powered flashlight with you at all times, day and night. And, you should be holding it in your dominate hand. I know, you probably don’t have the personal real estate available for something as frivolous as a flashlight. After all, that is where your cell phone lives, even when you’re walking around in public....

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