Flexibility….For Life!

Do you ever feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz? As if you were left out in the cold, damp forest for so long that you can’t move, leaving you screaming for your oil can? Or have you ever tried stretching your tight muscles only to feel even worse afterwards? There is a physiological reason for it, and it is basically quite simple.
Before I get all geeky about physiology, let me assure you that losing flexibility is NOT a “normal” part of the “aging process.” Who came up with that idea, anyway? The truth is, that we do not have to lose flexibility as we get older. Even more good news is that we have our own internal oil can, which lubricates and nourishes our joints to keep them healthy and mobile during the entire course of our lifetime.
So, how do we access this internal oil can? By gently moving and mobilizing our joints in the full range of motion that they were made to do to help us perform at our best. I’ll use the hip joint as an example. It is a lovely joint that is made to move in a circular manner called circumduction. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to use it as a hinge joint, moving only forward and backward. Sitting, walking, climbing stairs are an example. As a result, the soft tissue that supports that magnificent joint gets tighter and tighter. So, we stretch.
However, the main function of the soft tissue surrounding the joints is to protect them. These tissues are rich with nerve endings that talk to the brain and let it know how things are going. When we try and stretch, those nerve endings send signals to the brain that say STOP!! You’re going to damage the joint. The brain replies by saying OK, and tightens up the soft tissue even more to protect the joint.
Instead of stretching, try gently mobilizing your hip joint in its socket with gentle, circular movements. Do not force it, just let it relax into the movement. Remember that less is more. really listen to your body and the signals it is sending you. It does take some extra time, and you do have to slow yourself down. But, in the end, it sure is worth it.
flexibility, hip joint, joint mobility, joint mobilization, movement, nerve endings, oil can, physiology, podcast, range of motion, soft tissue, stretching, tight muscles, Wizard of Oz