Episode 6: Who Needs A Gym?

Keeping fit and healthy is an important component of the spirit of the ninja. Think about it–how could you possibly defend yourself or your loved ones if you were in poor physical shape? You couldn’t, which is why you need to follow some sort of fitness routine. But, what do you do if you’re like me, and hate going to the gym? Believe me, in my younger years I tried. Really I did. I even tried running a long time ago. But I quickly discovered that I was allergic to running and the mere thought of going to a gym made me break out in hives. Fortunately I discovered other ways to keep in some sort of shape, including dance, Pilates, and martial arts classes. All, by the way, are highly effective but also incredibly expensive to pursue on a regular basis. But, they share many...

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Episode 5: Cutting The Ties That Bind

Breaking up with someone is always awkward, and uncomfortable. But a few years ago I had the McDaddy of all breakups when I had to break up with my BFF. It was so bad I actually had to seek professional help. Because, how do you tell someone you have been best friends with for thirty years (yep, I said thirty), that you haven’t liked them for the past fifteen and have been trying to figure out how to break up with them for the past ten? Find out what happened, and why cutting the ties that bind an incredibly empowering experience, and a terrific way to reclaim your human dignity.

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Episode 4: Don’t Be Sorry–Just Be You

It’s interesting how some of our habits and patterns are actually self-sabotaging. And we don’t even realize it. However, some of our habits are so self-destructive they can become pathological. Unfortunately, unless someone brings our awareness to it, we can’t change the pattern that is slowly and methodically chipping away at our personal power. And here is just one example. How many times a day do you say you’re sorry? And what exactly is it that you are so sorry for? Women especially are always apologizing for one thing or another, even when the situation doesn’t warrant it or there is nothing wrong to begin with. This episode of The FemiNinja Project addresses the apology pathology of Excessive Apology Disorder. But, never fear–there is a safe and...

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Episode 3: Simple Ninja Safety Tip

In my previous episode, Super Special Ninja Secret, I shared the nifty little trick of how to avoid an attack. However, you can’t get out of the way if you can’t see it coming. Which is how I ended up getting a glass of wine thrown in my face. It was a waste of good wine, but also a powerful reminder of what can happen when we let our guard down. I am not talking about being paranoid. I am talking about paying attention to yourself, to your environment, and to other people around you. Looking back, there were very subtle signs that the situation was escalating. But, I simply thought I was having an animated conversation with someone I knew well and cared deeply about. I was wrong. The truth is that we can’t always see when a hit is coming. But, we can certainly increase...

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Episode 2: Super Special Ninja Secret

One of the first things I learned as a brand new martial arts student was how to get out of the way of an attack. It’s actually a super sneaky and nifty little ninja secret that can help you in a multiple of different situations. It’s the secret to the infamous “ninja disappearing act.” I’ll just bet you’re rolling your eyes right now, thinking that it’s just not possible for someone to disappear. Think again. It’s a surprisingly simple, easy, and effective technique which can keep you safe in a multitude of different situations. As I said, it was one of the first things I learned as a brand new martial arts student, and I was really, really good at it. Because anytime one of the guys tried to attack me, I would run off of the mat, screaming like a banshee with my gi top over my head. Not...

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Episode 1: Welcome to The FemiNinja Project!

Exactly one year ago I entered a podcasting contest. At the time, I had no idea what a podcast was, or why I would possibly want one. I entered the contest anyway. Eight anxiety-filled weeks later and overcoming multiple steep learning curves, the contest was over. I didn’t win, but I was invited to join the platform anyway. I am now flying solo, re-branding the show, and creating a community of like-minded women and men who are dedicated to restoring human dignity and helping people of all ages and walks of life unleash their personal power. In this first episode, you’ll hear about how (and why) I began training in an ancient Japanese martial art called Ninpo Tai Jutsu, the Art of the Ninja. As a matter of fact, you’ll learn more about me than I ever wanted anyone to know....

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Summertime…..and The Grilling Is Easy

Ahhhh….summertime, and the living is easy. And so is the grilling. I don’t know about you, but I do get a little bored with burgers and steaks on the grill. Sometimes I want (and need) something that’s lighter, but still tasty and satisfying. Fish on the grill is always an option, but let’s face it–living in Denver makes us a bit land-locked, and finding fresh fish choices is a challenge. And, since my husband and I don’t grill it very often, we never get it right. Which leaves me cooking it in the oven, and NOT something I want to do in the heat of the summer. Presuming, of course, that summer will eventually get here. A significant concern, since we got over 2 feet of snow in the high country on the first day of summer. However, a few weeks ago I hit...

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Red Booth Writer’s Group

Have you ever sat in a red booth? You know, the old fashioned kind that is the standard in every diner in America? When I was a little girl, it seemed that even the nicer restaurants had red vinyl seats. And you never knew what magic would happen when you slid into one of those seats. It had been many years since I sat in a red booth. But, this past January, I found myself sitting in one with a remarkable woman. She was a writer and an author, like me. And like me, she had experienced her share of health struggles and pain issues. She also had an incredible amount of sass and tenacity. And incomparable stubbornness. I felt like I met my soul sister. It was in that red booth that an idea was born. To create a group of writers who could work together to help promote each other and share our...

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My Fixation With Feet

My fixation and fascination with feet started with several years ago when I began studying ballet from an incredible woman, Jayne Persch. She is a teacher with an impressive background and a passion for life-long learning. However, I didn’t get her fixation with feet. And toes. At the beginning of every class, not only did she have us exercise our toes, she had us play with them! Ewe! I didn’t want to touch my feet, or my toes. What did that have to do with ballet class? Pretty much everything, as well as general health and well-being. When your feet hurt, everything hurts. But not only that, it interferes with your ability to feel the floor, stand your ground (so to speak),and messes with your balance, posture, and overall health as well. Here are a few fun facts about feet. 1)....

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Freedom Isn’t Free

When I was a little girl, we always recognized and celebrated Memorial Day. As a child, I thought I knew what we were celebrating, even though my focus was on one event that was the most important to me. Which was the end of the school year. I hated school. I always did, which is ironic that I ended up being a life-long learner as well as earning a Master’s Degree in physical therapy just 3 months shy of my 40th birthday. But as an adult I fully understand the incredible sacrifices that have been made by ordinary people who did extraordinary things to allow me the freedom and the ability to make some of the choices that I have made in my life. The freedom that we so often take for granted. The kind of freedom that people have fought and died for over the course of over 243 years.  It...

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