Sunshine Beet Salad

I love beets. My husband, not so much. But I don’t know what to do with them when I buy them. Until recently, when I found myself at a Farmer’s Market looking at a beautiful basket of yellow beets. They seemed to be calling my name, and since my husband wasn’t around to stop me, I bought a small bunch. When I caught up with my husband, he asked me what I had in the bag. I avoided his eyes. “Beets,” I muttered. He got a very guarded look on his face before he asked the obvious question. “And what are you going to do with them?” “Darned if I know,” I replied. But I knew I’d think of something, or these lovely golden beauties would end up like all of the other beets I buy. Shriveled up in the compost. I didn’t want that to happen,...

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Episode #20 Betrayal of Trust and Test of Faith

Trust is a vital component of every relationship. Whether it is a personal relationship, business relationship, or relationship between a student and teacher, the relationship is built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect. The betrayal of that trust is a devastating experience for the person on the receiving end. The entire foundation of that relationship is shaken to its core, and it requires an ultimate test of faith to not only recover from it, but to thrive in spite of it. Download this episode to discover a few ninja secrets and learn how one lady ninja recovered from a devastating betrayal of trust, reset the bar in a relationship, regained her human dignity and her personal power. And learn how you can apply the same techniques in your relationships as well.

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Episode #18 Fifty Is Fabulous

For a lot of people (especially women), turning fifty seems like the end of the world. However, I am here to tell you that turning fifty is nothing to be afraid of. As a matter of fact, it is something to be celebrated. No, I’m not kidding. As a deliriously happy woman over fifty, I have to tell you not to fear the big 5-0, because fifty is fabulous, and this episode shares  some fun facts that prove it. Download this uplifting and entertaining episode to discover a few true and tried tips to make sure that you will be fabulous at fifty, and beyond.

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Episode #17 The Walk of A Lifetime

How in the world do you conquer life’s biggest challenges? Just ask Polly Letofsky, and she will tell you “one step at a time.” Polly would know, because she’s an expert of the subject. Exactly twenty years ago, on August 1st, 1999, Polly Letofsky left her Colorado home and headed west. She traveled across 4 continents, 22 countries and over 14, 000 miles—by foot—becoming the first woman to walk around the world. As an awareness campaign for breast cancer, survivors and supporters around the world came out to walk with her. Everyday strangers welcomed her into their homes, offered food, accommodation and friendship. The world had embraced her. But it was never an easy road. Every day Polly struggled with adversity. Floods, earthquakes, languages, muggings, religious riots–and antiquated...

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Peachy Keen

Ahhhh, it’s late summer and in Colorado its Palisade peach harvest time. If you’ve never had a Palisade peach you just don’t know what you’re missing. The hot days and cool nights of Colorado make it a perfect growing environment for these delectable delights, making them sweet, juicy, and delicious. However, the harvest season is short, so I have a tendency to over-purchase. As a result, a lot of my peaches are sacrificed. What a waste! A few days ago I looked at my huge box of peaches, some of which were already starting to over-ripen, and I decided to try my hand at freezing some of them. Looking online, I found several different methods for freezing peaches, some including adding (ack!) sugar and/or artificial preservatives. Nuh-uh. Not for my peaches! They should...

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Episode #16 You can have your kale and chocolate, too!

Are you ever confused about what to eat, what not to eat, what is going to kill you long before your time, and what is going to make you live forever? Do you feel guilty that you’re not following a kale-only diet and you prefer a piece of dark chocolate every now and then? Then this episode is for you! There is so much conflicting information regrading nutrition, and a lot of crazy fads and bizarre beliefs that can actually be harmful to our health, let alone our mental and psychological well-being. There can even be a lot of public shaming surrounding food choices. Seriously, what’s up with that? Download this fun and informative episode that helps clear up some of the confusion, and discover why it’s possible to have your kale and chocolate, too!

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What We Believe is What We Become

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my Feldenkrais Training is that what we tell ourselves really does matter. Our mind (our brain and our nervous system) is constantly listening and processing the information that it receives. What we tell ourselves is what we believe. And what we believe is what we become. This became quite obvious during ballet class a few days ago when I listened to several of my barre buddies beat themselves down with negative self-talk. Our teacher had just given us a challenging and complex combination. A group of dancers stood around discussing their limitations, their short comings, their injuries, the reasons why they wouldn’t be able to do the combination and what would happen when they tried. It was fascinating to see all of their dire predictions...

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Episode #15: The Genius Of Pilates

    Pilates is a household name. But it wasn’t always that way. As recently as twenty-five years ago, very few people had even heard of The Pilates Method. But when it became popular in the ’90s, it hit the fitness industry as the hottest “new” exercise on the market. Not true.  Pilates has now been around for a hundred years, and has helped millions of people recover from injuries, improve their posture, core strength, balance, fitness, fitness, health, and general mobility.  Pilates has a lot of really cool (and incredibly expensive) equipment that provides a safe and supportive way to work out, as long as you have a qualified instructor. But what makes Pilates so powerful and effective are the six basic principles outlined by Joseph Pilates as he developed this...

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Don’t you absolutely just love the song about respect by Aretha Franklin? You know the one,“R-E-S-P-E-C-T…..Find out what it means to me.” I never thought about it before, but I guess it does mean different things to different people. To me it means being polite, mindful, thoughtful, considerate, and treating everyone with the human dignity they deserve. A few weeks ago I met a woman for the first time. We were introduced online by a mutual acquaintance who assured us that we had a lot in common and would get along famously. She was wrong. We met at a coffee shop, got a table, and exchanged a few pleasantries. Suddenly, she whipped out a notebook and said that she just got an idea and had to jot it down before she forgot it. No problem. I often do that myself. She...

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