Author: Cheryl

Episode #35: The Body Freedom Project

Physical therapist Ashley Zimmerman returns to the FemiNinja Project to talk about her recent trip to Costa Rica where she worked as a volunteer in a safe house for girls who have escaped the horrors of human trafficking. Ashley is determined to do her part to bring education and awareness to the public regarding this heinous practice, and to help bring it to an end. Learn what you can do to help. Education is power! FB group:

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Perfectly Satisfying Pumpkin Soup

The first time I ever heard of pumpkin soup, my knee jerk reaction was, “Ewe, pumpkin soup???” And then I tasted it. It was delicious. Nothing warms the heart and soul like soup does, and it sure hits the spot on a cold winter day. Especially when it’s snowing outside, which it did for three days straight last week, giving me the perfect opportunity to putter around my kitchen. I had a can of pumpkin in my pantry that had been staring me in the face for months, and it was time to set it free. I found a recipe for pumpkin soup in an old cookbook, and true to form, I used my ninja skills to cut the bad stuff and include some healthier options, like decreasing the amount of butter and substituting the whole milk (ack!) for unsweetened almond milk. It was delicious! Not only...

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Episode #34: Discover Your Strength Within

Meet Dr. Ashley Zimmerman, physical therapist in private practice specializing in pelvic floor health and awareness. Discover how (and why) your hip, knee, back, and even neck pain can be related to weakness and dysfunction in your pelvic floor. More importantly, learn what you can do about it. This episode is a must for women, men, and anyone who wants to maximize their health, strength, fitness, and function in every aspect of their life. Website: Your Strength Within Instagram: @ashleydpt Facebook: @ashleyysw

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Plan Ahead For Healthy Holidays

I love the holidays, especially the food, the parties, and the fun. But, unfortunately it can wreak havoc on our health and fitness. Many of us strive to get back into shape, lose weight, get fit, healthy and back on track with (ack!) New Year’s Resolutions. However, once the holidays are over, the New Year’s Resolutions that sounded like such a good idea during the whirlwind of the holidays are now staring us right in the face. And the high goals we set for ourselves seem unattainable. Usually because they are. So we give up after two weeks, feeling guilty and frustrated. What a way to start the new year! But I have another thought–since we plan for the holidays, why not plan ahead for healthy holidays at the same time? That way, you can practice a bit of moderation while...

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Episode #033: Do It For Dalton

On December 29th, 2013, Roni Lambrecht’s world was turned upside down when she and her husband lost their brilliant, beautiful, and beloved only child, Dalton John. Roni shares her story along with straightforward tips on being a mindful parent and taking the time to build meaningful relationships with all of the people you love in your life. This episode will open your eyes, your heart, and change your life forever. Email: Website: Amazon: Facebook:

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Episode #32: Natural Healing and Functional Health

Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal itself, naturally. In this episode, Kimsey Self, the owner of Progressive Health and Wellness talks about whole foods, natural healing, and functional health. She busts the many myths of food and health while she also clears up some of the confusion regarding what to eat, what not to eat, what’s going to make you live forever and what is going to kill you long before your time. Download this incredible informative, educational, and fun episode to learn valuable tips for ultimate health and wellness. It’s also full of surprises! Website:

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How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way. Or, more specifically, out of your mind. As someone who has been out of my mind more often than I care to admit, I understand how sometimes your mind can mess with your head. And your goals. And especially your dreams. One of the things I learned as a brand new martial arts student was how to get out of the way of an attack. And I was really, really good at it. My technique of choice was to cover my head with my gi top and run off the mat screaming, “Don’t touch me!” Ah, yes. Those were the good old days. Eventually I was able to get out of my head and into my body to stay engaged with my attacker and gracefully step out of the way. Soon after that, I was able to step back into my attacker and take him down. It was a slow...

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Episode #31: Kindness, Respect, and Abundance of Spirit

Meet Claire Maghtas and Karen Epps, two retired teachers turned first-time authors. They share their personal insights to uplift and encourage educators to take care of themselves (as well as their students) through the practice of kindness, integrity, respect, abundance of spirit and much, much more. Download this episode to be inspired to be a better person, and learn valuable life lessons that can be applied to every profession which is in the service and caring for others.

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Episode #30: The Symphony of Your Life

This high-spirited, fun-filled, and inspiring episode features Mark Hardcastle, aka Captaininja. Mark is a graduate of the Air Force Academy, which he fondly remembers as “the Dark Ages.” He is a commercial airline pilot, author, music aficionado, athlete, and all-around great guy. He bravely ventures into the FemiNinja girl cave to share his incredible stories of surviving the Dark Ages, as well as many of the other challenges in his life. Mark uses music to illustrate that sometimes life doesn’t go the way we want it to, and how to restore harmony when your life gets out of tune. Download this episode to learn how to play through the music when your life gets out of tune, and how to get back on track in the glorious symphony of your life. https://ww...

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Episode #29: Living Your Dream

Meet Janet Langmeier, a woman who knows how to dream, and dream big! She is an Actualization Mentor, founder of All Out Coaching, and co-founder of the dynamic new networking group Rising Tide. Janet helps people of all ages and walks of life focus on their dreams rather than chasing after goals. As a teacher, trainer, coach, and mentor Janet has helped hundreds of people successfully transform their lives, including their careers, education, relationships, spirituality, body image, health, and even weight loss. Janet shares some of her philosophy and techniques to help her clients live their avowed dreams. The possibilities are endless! https://www.facebook.c...

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