Tag: student

Episode #20 Betrayal of Trust and Test of Faith

Trust is a vital component of every relationship. Whether it is a personal relationship, business relationship, or relationship between a student and teacher, the relationship is built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect. The betrayal of that trust is a devastating experience for the person on the receiving end. The entire foundation of that relationship is shaken to its core, and it requires an ultimate test of faith to not only recover from it, but to thrive in spite of it. Download this episode to discover a few ninja secrets and learn how one lady ninja recovered from a devastating betrayal of trust, reset the bar in a relationship, regained her human dignity and her personal power. And learn how you can apply the same techniques in your relationships as well.

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Live and learn….

What a wonderful weekend I’m having! It started last night with a fantastic instructor training class at Kusa Dojo. Okay, so it was a bit difficult to get to the dojo on a gloriously beautiful spring evening, especially being Friday evening and everything. To make matters worse, I had to maneuver around all the revelers getting an early start on their St. Patrick’s Day celebrations at the local pub. But it certainly was worth the effort. It’s amazing how much you can learn about how you move when you really slow things down, listen to the quality of your movement, and go back to the basics. Oh, and it also helps to have two highly skilled teachers coaching you. I was able to find where I was making my mistakes and now have the opportunity to work on them, on my own, without...

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