Tag: write your story

Writer’s Block

Writer’s block. Two words that can strike fear in the heart of every writer. And, like every writer, I have experienced it before, but nothing like I did over the past few months. It was so bad that I couldn’t write anything, not even my grocery list. I would sit at my kitchen table, pen and paper in hand (yes, I am that old-fashioned), and stare off into space. I even tried to get some inspiration by flipping through a few of my favorite cookbooks. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. The blank paper seemed to mock me as I tapped the pen to my head trying to get some creative synapses firing. And still, I had nothing. Great. My Red Booth Writer’s Group was getting ready to rally and come up with another four new articles to submit to The Pueblo Chieftain, and I couldn’t even come...

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Episode #27: Self-Publishing 101

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book (and who hasn’t?), this episode is for you!  Award winning author and founder of My Word Publishing, Polly Letofsky returns to the FemiNinja Project and shares the skinny on self-publishing. After writing her memoir about her walk around the world, her own disastrous experience with a predatory publisher fired up a passion and desire to learn everything there is to know about the constantly changing industry of self-publishing. Polly walks us through the entire process from start to finish, highlighting what to do, what not to do, and what to not even think about doing. As usual, Polly delivers her message with her remarkable wit and incredible sense of humor.

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