Tag: power

Episode #27: Self-Publishing 101

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book (and who hasn’t?), this episode is for you!  Award winning author and founder of My Word Publishing, Polly Letofsky returns to the FemiNinja Project and shares the skinny on self-publishing. After writing her memoir about her walk around the world, her own disastrous experience with a predatory publisher fired up a passion and desire to learn everything there is to know about the constantly changing industry of self-publishing. Polly walks us through the entire process from start to finish, highlighting what to do, what not to do, and what to not even think about doing. As usual, Polly delivers her message with her remarkable wit and incredible sense of humor.

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Episode #26: Courage, Creativity, and Brain Power

In this episode, Mariah Ehlert shares her personal story of how she went from having a lucrative job at Wall Street to being laid off and homeless after purchasing a turn of the century building (a church, no less) and transforming it into a beautiful space called The Sanctuary Studio. This is a woman who knows how to dream, and dream big. She shares her story and her secrets to thriving, even during the tough times. Download this episode to discover how she turned her fear into power, and how she can help you do the same.

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I’m Sorry….So Sorry. For What??

Have you ever noticed how many times a day you say the words “I’m sorry?” Especially as women, it seems like we are always apologizing for something, even when we’re not at fault, or there isn’t even anything wrong in the first place. What’s up with that? Is it just a habit (and not a good one, I might add), or do we really feel that we are responsible for everything that’s wrong in the world? There was a time when I believed that everything was my fault, and I took full responsibility for it. Everything from world hunger to human trafficking to PMS and menstrual cramps. My fault. And it really wore me down. But I didn’t realize what a problem it was, or how often I said it until I was 2 years into my martial arts training and I was testing...

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Sticks and Stones, and Broken Bos

Sticks and stones may break your bones. As a martial artist, I know this to be true, because I personally experienced it first hand. I once broke a bone in martial arts, but it wasn’t my own. It belonged to my partner. It’s a long story, and perhaps I’ll share it someday. Although I love martial arts, I haven’t been training at all over the past twelve months. At least not in the traditional way, at the dojo and with partners. Between running a business, publishing a book, and keeping up with life, I’ve been pretty busy these days. However, I have been able to keep up with my ballet training. I am fortunate to study ballet with a remarkable woman who has a strong Tai Chi background, as well as many other incredible accomplishments. The woman is amazing! Jayne doesn’t teach a traditional...

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