Tag: fifty is fabulous

Episode #18 Fifty Is Fabulous

For a lot of people (especially women), turning fifty seems like the end of the world. However, I am here to tell you that turning fifty is nothing to be afraid of. As a matter of fact, it is something to be celebrated. No, I’m not kidding. As a deliriously happy woman over fifty, I have to tell you not to fear the big 5-0, because fifty is fabulous, and this episode shares  some fun facts that prove it. Download this uplifting and entertaining episode to discover a few true and tried tips to make sure that you will be fabulous at fifty, and beyond.

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Sixty Days Of Cheryl: Reasons to Celebrate

Turning sixty is not the end of the world. As a matter of fact, I believe it’s just the beginning, and certainly something to celebrate. And I ought to know, based on personal experience. Not that I’ve ever turned sixty before. But when I turned fifty, magic happened. Full disclosure–my thirties weren’t so great. My forties were a nightmare. I wasn’t sure I would even make it to fifty. But the closer I got to fifty, the more I began to look forward to it. If nothing else, at least it would signify the end of the decade from hell. I was so excited about turning fifty that my girlfriends threw me a party, complete with a red tiara. This was an idea borrowed from the Red Hat Society. You know, the group of women who mark their fiftieth birthday by wearing a red...

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