Tag: effort

Patience, Perseverance, and Number #1 Best Seller

Patience and perseverance are two valuable principles I learned in my martial arts training. It means that our focus is on the journey, rather than the end result. And it explains why the students that come to our dojo with their primary goal of becoming a black belt are usually gone in just a few months. Because everything takes time and effort. The same applies to every aspect of life. Focus on the journey, put in the time, the effort, and see what unfolds. That’s exactly what happened when I published my first book. I just focused on the journey, even though it was incredibly labor intensive. When I heard that the “real work” in writing a book begins after it’s published, I found it hard to believe. After all, it took me two and a half years to write it. In reality,...

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Episode #14 Three Ninja Tips For Life

Often times life presents us with unexpected and challenging opportunities. We have two choices: embrace the challenge or walk away. However, if we walk away we might be missing out on an incredible experience that can change the direction of our lives forever. In a good way. Which is exactly what happened to me when I had the chance to begin training in Ninpo Tai Jutsu. What started as “I’ll take a few classes and quit” eventually resulted in becoming my teacher’s first female black belt. Honesty, effort, and commitment are the first three traits of the ninja that I learned as a brand new martial arts student. However, these three little words have different practical applications to each and every one of us, both in martial arts training and life in general. This...

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Build It, and They Will Come….

Build it, and they will come. Who doesn’t remember that famous line from the movie, “Field of Dreams?” All you have to do is have a vision, apply a lot of hard word, and dribble on a healthy dose of faith. Because, if you build it, they WILL come. I have spent the past seven months working with a remarkable and talented team of professionals, building this new web site. It’s been a long journey, and a lot of work. I cannot speak for my amazing team, but as far as I am concerned, it has been well worth the time involved and the energy invested. Seven and a half years ago, I launched my first web site. It was terrifying. Just putting myself “out there” was an overwhelming and uncomfortable experience for me. Apparently I got over it, and I have come a long...

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