Tag: common sense

The Best Defense

As a practicing ninja, I know a thing or two about defense. Most of the time, the best defense against an attack is usually the simplest and the most obvious. Just don’t make yourself vulnerable. It’s cold and flu season, and I’m a germaphobe. Not an over the top crazy kind of germaphobe, but a sensible kind. After all, I spent forty years working in health care, so I also know a little bit about infections, especially how to prevent them. And it’s so simple….wash your hands. Wash them often and wash them well. You don’t need any special equipment or antibacterial soap. All you just need is mild soap and warm water. Wash your hands before and after you eat, use the bathroom, blow your nose, sneeze, cough, touch your face, touch commonly used public surfaces,...

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Episode #46: Common Courtesy Is Not So Common

Common courtesy is not so common these days. Good manners, respect, and good old-fashioned consideration for our fellow man (and woman) seems to be non-existent. Meet one woman who is determined to bring it back with her own unique style and brand of whipping people back into proper etiquette shape. Anthonette Klinkerman, who is also known as “Colonel Klinkerman,” is the Chief Etiquette Officer and Expert with Courtesy Bootcamp™. The “Colonel” drills people on a wide variety of topics ranging from please and thank you to cell phone use, cutting people off in traffic, putting away your own shopping carts, cleaning up after yourself, social media, and so much more. You want to share this episode with everyone you know, including your children. Together, we resuscitate the seemingly dying art...

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Self-Indulgence Is Not A Dirty Word

My ballet master was incredibly demanding, which is one of the things I loved about him. After all, I don’t want to become complacent. Complacency breeds mediocrity, and in my opinion, that is a waste of human potential. He would often chastise us if we weren’t working hard enough to satisfy him and his high standards. During the middle of brutal and complicated movement patterns he would frequently scream, “Don’t be so self-indulgent!” Not only was it distracting, it was demoralizing to be called self-indulgent when you were dancing your heart out and working your butt off. Besides, the way he said it made it sound like a dirty word. In his mind, it was a dirty word. I always wondered why, and I never understood what he meant. I would have asked him, but he...

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