Singing Green Bean Soup

Fall is the perfect time time to enjoy this tasty and tangy green bean soup. My sisters and I grew up on this soup, and we loved it so much that my mom renamed it Singing Soup, based on the sounds of “mmmmm….mmmmm…mmmm” that filled the kitchen anytime this soup was on the menu. Whether it’s fresh green beans from your own garden, your local Farmer’s Market, or your supermarket, green beans have some surprising health benefits.
Paired with the humble and often overlooked potato (which also has a few surprising power-packed health benefits as well), this is one of my favorite recipes to enjoy this late summer-early fall specialty. True to form, I cut out the sour cream that was essential in my mom’s recipe and replaced it with low fat plain Greek yogurt.
1# fresh green beans, ends removed and cut in bite size pieces
3 medium potatoes, scrubbed and diced
1 cup Fage Greek low fat or fat free plain yogurt (I don’t mean to name drop, but this is my favorite brand. You can use whichever one you prefer).
1/8 cup butter
1 TBS arrowroot as a thickener, or you can substitute corn starch or flour. However, once you learn the health benefits of arrowroot powder, you might want to give it a try. HINT: Studies have shown it can stimulate immune cells and boost the immune system. And who isn’t interested in strengthening our immune system these days?
Dash white vinegar (to taste)
Place beans in a large pot and cover with enough water to about 2-3 inches above the beans. Boil until beans are slightly softened, then add cubed potatoes. When potatoes are soft, add butter and turn heat to low. Add the arrowroot to 1/2 cup water and stir until dissolved. Add to soup. Add a small amount of soup to the Greek yogurt and stir to thin the yogurt before adding to the soup. Stir well. Add a dash of white vinegar to taste. Serve with salt and pepper. And get ready to start singing the song of Green Bean Soup!
Cheryl's kitchen, cooking, cooking with Cheryl, Greek yogurt, green bean soup, green beans, potatoes, white vinegar