More hearts and flowers on Valentine’s Day.

    Once again, it’s Valentine’s Day. I love Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t take much to make me happy, and just knowing that I am appreciated is good enough for me. But, for some people, Valentine’s Day is even more stressful than Christmas. Expectations are high and the pressure is on.

    I have a friend who has been known to give her husband the cold shoulder for weeks if he doesn’t come through with just the perfect gift for her on Valentine’s Day. The problem is, she never gives him any hints of what she might want, and every year he disappoints her. You’d think one of them would figure it out by now.

    My single friends either ignore the holiday or try to live vicariously through those of us who are happily married. Even my married friends wistfully wonder what they will get and then compare notes later. Sheesh! Is this really what Valentine’s Day is about?

    My husband and I celebrate this day dedicated to love and romance by doing special things for each other. Last year we spent Valentine’s Day looking at toilets. It might not sound terribly romantic to the average person, but we got to spend a long afternoon together. This year we celebrated by buying each other a new garage door. We plan on spending a quiet evening at home sitting in the garage and taking turns playing with the remote before I fix dinner.

    The point is, it’s not about what you get; it’s about what you already have that’s important. As far as I’m concerned, wandering around a hardware store or admiring a new garage door with my husband beside me is more romantic and precious than any gift I could receive.  Happy Valentine’s Day, and don’t forget to share the love!

Be healthy!
Cheryl Ilov, PT, GCFP